The Niagara Metals

Management team

At Niagara Metals, we have assembled an experienced team of leaders who understand the scrap metal recycling and transloading industries. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (716) 282-6200 or email one of our team members below.

Our staffing team

Todd Levin

Founder & President

Rob Piscatelli

Vice President

Phil Pecoraro

Regional Director of Operations

Mike Diamond

Facilities Liaison

Stuart Blair

Metal Trader

John Schanzlin

Senior Buyer

Jake Feller

EHS Manager

Chris Sitek

Buffalo General Manager

Beth Curtis


Brian Naish

Royalton General Manager

Chuck Mulé

Brand & Materials Manager

Sam Alahrag

GM, Hannah St. Facility

Mike Sheehan

Facilities Manager

Trevor Smith

Cheektowaga General Manager

John Conte

Project Manager

Edward Pierce

IT Administrator

Join Us...!

We are always looking for people with or without experience in scrap. We encourage you to visit our Careers page.

Community Involvement